Saturday, October 06, 2012

Small Steps for a better Earth

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Every time my fiance pulled out her compact folding cloth bag while checking out at the grocery store, I looked at it in wonder.

One particular day, my curiosity was especially piqued when she stuffed more than 5kgs worth of stuff in the bag without batting an eyelid. I was afraid it would tear, but it held and is still going strong having earned itself a new fan.

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Not giving it too much thought previously, it struck us suddenly a few days ago what an ecological treasure the bag is. Having followed the link online from the text printed on the bag cover, much more was revealed about its history and purpose.

My fiance had picked it up while on her trip to Auroville where it originated. A brainchild of the Upasana Design studio , the bag aims to champion the cause of a plastic free environment.

A group of local women use microfinance, get raw material & arrange machinery to sew the bag which is then marketed and sold through the foundation. The bag also works as a tool to educate families and whole world about the need of environmental conservation.

It is available in multiple colors along with a backpack variant.

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Do visit the website to see how you could get one for yourself and spread the news for sake of a better future.

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